Gabriel Abrantes and Benjamin Crotty

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 7:30 pm

A double-bill program of solo and collaborative films by American-born filmmakers Gabriel Abrantes and Benjamin Crotty, who have worked together since 2008, expresses their interest in satirical and philosophical love stories reflecting the effects of colonialism, military occupation, and globalization, set in a breadth of political, social, and material contexts. Liberdade, shot in Angola, chronicles the relationship between an Angolan boy and a Chinese girl. ‘Oρνιθες (Ornithes - Birds) documents a foreign theatre director’s attempt to stage Aristophanes in Haiti. Visionary Iraq has the filmmakers playing all the roles within a Portuguese family whose children are about to ship out to Iraq. Receiving its Canadian premiere, Fort Buchanan, Crotty’s debut feature, is a queer soap-opera chronicling the tragicomic plight of an army-husband stranded at a remote post while his husband is on mission in Djibouti.

PROGRAM I: 7:30 pm
Liberdade | G. Abrantes, B Crotty/Portugal-Angola 2011. 16 min. 
‘Oρνιθες (Ornithes - Birds) | G. Abrantes/Portugal 2012. 17 min. 
Visionary Iraq | G. Abrantes, B. Crotty/Portugal 2008. 17 min.
PROGRAM II: 9:00 pm
Fort Buchanan | B. Crotty/France-Tunisia 2014. 65 min.
Screening formats: DCP (from 16mm originals)
Programmed by Amy Kazymerchyk and Arvo Leo
Image: Gabriel Abrantes, Visionary Iraq, 2008. Courtesy of the artists.