
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - 7:30 pm

This month DIM Cinema has arranged a series of studio visits, starting in the home studio of the sculptor Ann Truitt (1921-2004) in Washington, D.C., and finishing at the ceremonial liberation of Jay DeFeo’s 2,300-pound painting The White Rose from her second-floor studio in San Francisco. In between, and in their respective studios, Sarah Pucill will play with the blinds, Bruce Nauman will walk in an exaggerated manner, Ken Jacobs will go psychedelic, and famed cinematographer and experimental filmmaker Babette Mangolte will lead us through the shared studio of Henryk Stażewski and Edward Krasiński in Warsaw, which was turned into an installation-cum-shrine by Krasiński after the death of his friend.

Ann Truitt, Working | Jem Cohen/USA 2009. 13 min.
Blind Light | Sarah Pucill/Great Britain 2007. 22 min.
A Loft | Ken Jacobs/USA 2010. Silent. 17 min.
Walking in an Exaggerated Manner Around the Perimeter of a Square | Bruce Nauman/USA 1968. Silent. 10 min.
Edward Krasiński’s Studio | Babette Mangolte/Poland-USA 2012. 30 min.
The White Rose | Bruce Conner/USA 1967. 7 min.

Programmed by Michèle Smith

Image: Still from Ann Truitt, Working, 2009, by Jem Cohen. Copyright of the artist, courtesy of Video Data Bank,, School of the Art Institute of Chicago