Zadie Xa, still from Child of Magohalmi and the Echos of Creation (2019). Courtesy of the artist.
A free virtual screening from April 29 through 5 May
DIM Cinema is pleased to present a free virtual program of works by artist Zadie Xa. This program introduces video pieces by the artist made between 2016 and 2019, including recent work shot during visits to Vancouver. Through performance, video, painting, and textiles, Xa explores the overlapping and conflation of cultures that inform self-conceptualized identities and notions of self. Xa, born and raised in Vancouver, currently lives in London, UK. She received an MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art in 2014 and a BFA from Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in 2007.
The program will begin with a conversation between guest curator Tobin Gibson and Zadie Xa.
The virtual screening link will go live from The Cinematheque's website on April 29.
Child of Magohalmi and the Echos of Creation
2019 50 min. HD video
Moodrings, Crystals and Opal Coloured Stones
2016 21 min. HD video
Deep Space Mathematics and the Transfer of Knowledge
2016 3 min. HD video